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Jquery attr not working on IE 9?

Am trying to add an attr for the id and onclick, its working on firefox and chrome but for some reason it isn't working on IE 9 . Any alternative or something is wrong with me code?

$(".extendedGridView tr td a").each(function (index) 
   if ($(this).html() == "Update") 
       $(this).attr('id', 'insertButton');
       $(this).attr('onclick', "return Validate('extendedGridView')");

Don't use attr for this. Use

 this.id = 'insertButton';
 $(this).click(function(){return Validate('extendedGridView')});

Note also that checking a text using html() isn't going to work if there are returns or space or any tags. Prefer this test :

if ($(this).text().trim() == "Update") {

Then, be sure to have a different id for each element. It's unclear in your code if you're OK on this point but as you're using each , I'm afraid it's not. If what you need is to make your elements selectable more easily, use a class :


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