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Java Stored Procedure: OUT params

I have to make some java procedure in Oracle with 'OUT' parameters. Procedure must be like this:

create or replace 
procedure SomeProcedure(input1 IN VARCHAR2, result1 OUT VARCHAR2, result2 OUT VARCHAR2)

How do i do that? How i must specify Java class and method? How do I create stored procedure from this class and method? Any simple examples?

UPD : just solve that:

create or replace and compile java source named "TestOutParams" as
public class TestOutParams{
    public static void someMethod(String[] value){
        value[0] = "Hello";

create or replace procedure TestOutParams(value OUT VARCHAR2) as
language java
NAME 'TestOutParams.someMethod(java.lang.String[])';

SQL>var value VARCHAR2(40);
SQL>exec TestOutParams(:value);
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL>PRINT value;


I dont know, why, but its working!

Well, it's something like this;

CallableStatement stmt = null;
stmt = conn.prepareCall("begin SomeProcedure(?,?,?); end;");
stmt.setString(1, new String("value1"));             // Bind 1st input parameter
stmt.setString(2, new String("value2"));          // Bind 2nd input parameter
stmt.registerOutParameter(3, Types.VARCHAR);     // 3rd parameter is OUT

String retcod = new String(stmt.getInt(3));

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