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Javascript global array turns to undefined for no reason

In my web pages I have 2 lists of items which are loaded from DB. To decrease traffic I store all items loaded from DB in global array and when the user searches the list, I search the array first and only when the item is not found I go to the DB.

So at first I define my global array at the top of my script and only once.

var _navArr=[];

And then I want to access it with this code

$.ajax({   //At breakpoint here the _navArr is defined and full of items
    type: "POST",
    url: "Webservices/ws_publikace.svc/ws_getUserNavigatorList",
    data: data,
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    dataType: "json",
    success: function (msg) {
           //But inside success function _navArr is undefined
           _navArr[navArr] = extedItemArr(_navArr[navArr], msg.d);

But it doesn't work as described in the code.

Any Idea why is it so? Thanks

Instead var _navArr=[]; try window._navArr = [];

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