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disable browsers back button but keep it enable within my asp.net application

I have searched and implemented a code where I am able to disable the back button of the browser. But I am facing a problem like when I log in and don't do anything and click back button it takes me to login page and then a forward button appears. I don't want the back button to get functional on my home screen immediately when I am logged in. But the back button should be enable within my application but not exactly after i log in. Following is my code that I have used in my master page coding. Please help as I am working on live application.

<script type="text/javascript">
        function disableBackButton() {
            //alert("You cannot Nevigate To Back!!!");


<body onload="disableBackButton()" >

On code behind(Server side) write this:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)



and on client side write this:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
document.attachEvent("onkeydown", my_onkeydown_handler);
function my_onkeydown_handler()
switch (event.keyCode)
case 116 : // F5;
event.returnValue = false;
event.keyCode = 0;
window.status = "We have disabled F5";

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