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Set CSS to dynamically created class

I have multiple <ul> and their class names are pulled from database. User can add or delete those unordered lists and give them any name they wish. Then user can assign color to every <ul> . I can save color to database but I don't know how to load it to css because I have to select class which name I don't know and set some color to background-color atribute. This is how I load list:

<ul class="<?php echo $stringTemp; ?>">

This is placed in while loop. Now I need help to put background color to each of these lists.

嗯,只是style="background-color: xxx"

echo "<style>
           .myClass {

 echo "<ul class='$myClass'>       </ul>";


Make a file called style.css and put this in it:

ul.class-one { background-color: #000; }
ul.class-two { background-color: #F00; }

and add this to your HTML <head> section:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/html" src="style.css">

You probably know how to do this already I just want to be thorough for others reading this.

Try this one it


    echo"<ul class='".$stringTemp."'>";

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