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How to pass URL of folder to codebase in applet?

I have apple.html in C:/Java1 and apple1.class in C:/Java , I have given path of class file in applet codebase but cannot initialize the applet.

Here is code

apple.html in C:/Java1

<applet code="apple.class" codebase="file:/C:/Java/" alt="Applet not printed value" width="200" height="200">

apple1.class in c:/Java

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.applet.*; 
import java.lang.*;

public class apple1 extends Applet  
       public void paint(Graphics g) 
           g.drawString("hi...I am", 50, 50); 

when I run code using

appletviewer applet.html

It gives applet not initialized.

The codebase is wrong use like



The class name allso need to change


but the class name in java file is apple1 .

also the code in the paint method doesn't call super.paint() , and don't ask why nothing appears in the browser. But you didn't use the browser yet, so it may be in the future.

Try codebase="../Java" . This will give a path relative to the location of the HTML page.

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