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Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'Where' of undefined

I am not sure what could be the cause of this error but i am trying to return results using linq query like statement to loop through a list of positions and then another loop to get all users for each of the positions.

linq is Enumerable

var getList = function () {
            Url: ...,
            DataToSubmit: {id: properties.Id },
            DataType: "json",
            OnSuccess: function (roleData, status, jqXHR) {
                // bind role types
                console.log("roles:", roleData.length);

                    Url: ....,
                    DataToSubmit: { pageNumber: 1, id: properties.Id },
                    DataType: "json",
                    OnSuccess: function (userData, status, jqXHR) {
                        console.log("users", userData.length);
                        var results = linq.From(roleData.RoleTypes)
                            .Where('x => x.ContentRole == "' + roleData.ContentRole + '"').Any();

error with:

var results = linq.From(roleData.RoleTypes)
                                .Where('x => x.ContentRole == "' + roleData.ContentRole + '"').Any();

error message: Uncaught Exception (js): Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'Where' of undefined

.Where must be getting a bool predicate, but you are passing a string to it. Try to change it to something like

 .Where(x => x.ContentRole == roleData.ContentRole);

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