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RichTextBox selection bug when pressing control key

I have a very strange bug with text selection in RichTextBox :

I create the following simple form :

public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        richTextBox1.Text = "Tempore quo primis auspiciis in mundanum fulgorem surgeret victura dum erunt homines Roma, ut augeretur sublimibus incrementis, foedere pacis aeternae Virtus convenit atque Fortuna plerumque dissidentes, quarum si altera defuisset, ad perfectam non venerat summitatem.";

When launching the app I can select the text in the RichTextBox until I press the control key.

The RichTextBox is then no longer selectable until I click several times outside the application.

I hear about silly bug with AutoWordSelection but I tried the trick without success.

I'm using Framework .Net v4 on Windows 8 .

Does anyone have an idea about it?

Can you see what is selected when the control button is clicked. (Maybe another application that is running?)

Mybe put the text outside the application. works good for me

    private void CleaningManual_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

Add this to your form load event.

RichTextBox1.AutoWordSelection = False

this is reputed to be a 'will not fix' feature so you have to deactivate behaviour I'm afraid

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