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Custom tag Java Jsp - How to set attribute base on a dropdown list selection

I have a Java Jsp custom tag with attributes. These attributes are selectable from a drop down list. So how can I set attribute to my custom tag base on the selection from the dropdown list?

For example:

<prf:customTag atribute1="[***]"/>

So [ * ] is set to "A" if I selected A from the dropdown list, "B" if I selected B, and "C" so on.

Your select must be within 'form' tags as follows:

<form method="POST" action="myPage.jsp">
  <select name="optionSelected">
  <input type="submit">                     

The current page is called myPage.jsp and when the form is submitted the value selected from the drop-down will be passed to the jsp page in the request parameter and therefore can be retrived and used as the input to the cutom tag.

<prf:customTag atribute1="${ param.optionSelected }"/>

The option selected from the drop-down list will be retrived from the parameters posted to the myPage.jsp and inserted in the custom tag using Exxpression Language.

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