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Pointers in Assembly

I'm having trouble with a practice problem from my textbook. I have to fill in the missing parts of the C code shown below:

int switch3(int *p1, int *p2, int action)
    int result = 0;
    switch(action) {
    case 1:
     // Fill in
    case 2:
     // Fill in
     // Fill in
     return result;

The reason I'm having trouble is because of the use of pointers. I'm pretty sure I know how they work, but let me elaborate. The book gives us the following IA32 assembly with my annotations in comments.

Arguments: p1 at %ebp+8, p2 at %ebp+12, action at %ebp+16
 Registers: result in %edx (initialized to -1) The jump targets:

.L13 // case(1)
  movl  8(%ebp), %eax // eax = p1
  movl  (%eax), %edx  // result = *p1
  movl  12(%ebp), %ecx // ecx = p2
  movl  (%ecx), %eax   // eax = *p2
  movl 8(%ebp), %ecx  // ecx = p1 
  movl %eax, (%ecx)   // *p1 = *p2

So at the end, it is result = *p1 and *p1 = *p2 I think this is correct, but what's next is what's confusing me.

.L14 //case(2)
   movl  12(%ebp), %edx // result = p2  which is not possible because p2 is a pointer and result is an int
   movl  (%edx), %eax  
  movl   %eax, %edx
  movl    8(%ebp), %ecx
  addl (%ecx), %edx
  movl  12(%ebp), %eax
  movl  %edx, (%eax)
  jmp  .L19

 .L19 // default
    movl %edx, %eax

Could anyone clear this up for me?

.L14 //case(2)
  movl  12(%ebp), %edx // result = p2  which is not possible because 
                       // p2 is a pointer and result is an int

Your comment result = p2 is wrong. edx is NOT tied to result for the entire duration of the function. The only thing you know is that right after the function exits, result is stored in edx . (Furthermore, even though not directly relevant to your question, assembly has no concept of types beyond their sizes, so a register doesn't know whether it holds a pointer or an int.)


.L14 //case(2)
  movl  12(%ebp), %edx   // edx = p2
  movl  (%edx), %eax     // eax = *p2
  movl   %eax, %edx      // edx = eax ( = *p2 )
  movl    8(%ebp), %ecx  // ecx = p1
  addl (%ecx), %edx      // edx = edx + *p1 ( = *p1 + *p2 )
  movl  12(%ebp), %eax   // eax = p2
  movl  %edx, (%eax)     // *p2 = edx ( = *p1 + *p2 )
  jmp  .L19              // if .L19 is the end of the function, then you now know
                         // that result = *p1 + *p2

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