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Cannot Bind FlowDocument to RichTextBox in WPF

Here is my Xaml for RichTextBox

  <RichTextBox HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="115" Margin="359,194,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"    Width="306" x:Name="missingVariablesRichTextBox" >
               <ItemsControl  ItemsSource="{Binding}"/>

Here is my FlowDocument from CodeBehind. Note message builder is a stringbuilder variable that has some string contents in it.

FlowDocument missingVariablesDoc = new FlowDocument();
missingVariablesDoc.Blocks.Add(new Paragraph(new Run(messageBuilder.ToString())));

When i run the app. I can't see anything in the richtextbox. What am i missing in the XAML databinding?

Any suggestions?

When you create a FlowDocument in code behind you certainly want to assign it to the Document property of the RichTextBox:

missingVariablesRichTextBox.Document = missingVariablesDoc;

Of course this replaces the FlowDocument assigned in XAML.

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