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Enable or disable qtip on checkbox

I use asp.net mvc razor code. I use qtip to give a show popup on mouseover. I have a checkbox in the settings page,which is used to enable/disable the qtip.

Here is my code:

function tooltip(a) {
    Sapppid = document.getElementById("s" + a).textContent;
    Sapppid = Sapppid.replace("s", "");
        url: window.location.pathname + "Scheduler/getappointmentdetails",
        type: "POST",
        data: { sharedappid: Sapppid }
    .success(function (result) {
        document.getElementById('ApptDetails').value = result;

    $("#" + a).qtip({
        overwrite: false,
        content: {
            text: "...",
            button: 'Close',
            ajax: {
                url: window.location.pathname + "Scheduler/Eventdetails/" + Sapppid,
                type: 'Post',
                success: function (result) {} 
        style: {
            classes: '',
            width: 500
        position: {
            my: 'right bottom center',
            at: 'middle right center',
            target: $("#" + a)
        show: {
            ready: true,
            solo: true
        hide: {
            when: { event: 'mouseout unfocus' }, fixed: true, delay: 200

I design qtip to showup on a dynamic content. I use qtip2. I din't find any documentation to disable or enable in the site.

This is the only code i found, but couldnt figure out where to apply this.:



// Enable it again

attach an onclick event to your checkbox and place the disable within the qtip function on the element you're targetting

Code Example:

$('.checkbox').on('click', function(){
    $('.dynamic').qtip('disable', true);

Give this a try and let me know if it works in the comments

try something like this

    $('.checkbox').on('click', function(){
        var api = $('.dynamic').qtip('api');

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