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How to Add prefix to all file in current folder and subfolder using batch file

I am trying to add prefix to all files in current folder and it's subfolders and i made the following batch file

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%j in (*) do (
set filename=%%j
rename !filename! [nilesh.uk.to]-!filename!

it working for current directory only but i want to add prefix to all files in current folder as well as subdirectory please help me to solve this problem

Run this from another folder, and the pushd is used otherwise the batch file will be renamed too. Change c:\\mainfolder to your main folder name

@echo off
pushd "c:\mainfolder\"
for /r %%j in (*) do (
   rename "%%j" "[nilesh.uk.to]-%%~nxj"

使用重命名器 ,您可以通过以下命令执行此操作:

$ renamer --regex --find '^' --replace 'prefix-' '**'

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