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How to rename all file names under a folder to add modified date as prefix in Windows

I have a folder C:\\Documents

I have over 100 files under the folder.


I would like to rename all files as below where modified_date is from the LastWriteTime timestamp on the file:

A_{modified_date}_filename note that that must be ddMMyyyy format.

Example output:


I can write a simple console application to achieve this. But Just wondering if there is an existing tool built-in or by using Powershell?


Did you mean include the last write date in the file name like so:

Get-ChildItem | 
  Rename-Item -NewName {'A_' + $_.LastWriteTime.ToString('ddMMyyyy') + $_.name}

By using @Dave answer.

I have figured out how to add any prefix at the end of each individual file as well.

Get-ChildItem | 
Rename-Item -NewName {$_.BaseName+'_'+$_.LastWriteTime.ToString('ddMMyyyy')+$_.Extension}

Note that BaseName is supported in PS v2 and above.

I hope it helps someone else out there.

BaseName is supported in PS v2 and above.

cmd /c for /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=/. " %a in ('date/T') do forfiles /p <PATH> /m *.xlsx /c "cmd /c ren @file %c%b%a_@file"

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