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Multi-threaded websocket server on Python

Please help me to improve this code:

import base64
import hashlib
import threading
import socket

class WebSocketServer:
    def __init__(self, host, port, limit, **kwargs):
        Initialize websocket server.
        :param host: Host name as IP address or text definition.
        :param port: Port number, which server will listen.
        :param limit: Limit of connections in queue.
        :param kwargs: A dict of key/value pairs. It MAY contains:<br>
        <b>onconnect</b> - function, called after client connected.
        <b>handshake</b> - string, containing the handshake pattern.
        <b>magic</b> - string, containing "magic" key, required for "handshake".
        :type host: str
        :type port: int
        :type limit: int
        :type kwargs: dict
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.limit = limit
        self.running = False
        self.clients = []
        self.args = kwargs

    def start(self):
        Start websocket server.
        self.root = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self.root.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        self.root.bind((self.host, self.port))
        self.running = True

        while self.running:
            client, address = self.root.accept()
            if not self.running: break

            self.clients.append((client, address))

            onconnect = self.args.get("onconnect")
            if callable(onconnect): onconnect(self, client, address)

            threading.Thread(target=self.loop, args=(client, address)).start()


    def stop(self):
        Stop websocket server.
        self.running = False

    def handshake(self, client):
        handshake = 'HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\nUpgrade: websocket\r\nSec-WebSocket-Accept: %s\r\n\r\n'
        handshake = self.args.get('handshake', handshake)
        magic = "258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"
        magic = self.args.get('magic', magic)

        header = str(client.recv(1000))
            res = header.index("Sec-WebSocket-Key")
        except ValueError:
            return False
        key = header[res + 19: res + 19 + 24]
        key += magic
        key = hashlib.sha1(key.encode())
        key = base64.b64encode(key.digest())

        client.send(bytes((handshake % str(key,'utf-8')), 'utf-8'))
        return True

    def loop(self, client, address):
        :type client: socket
        while True:
            message = ''
            m = client.recv(1)
            while m != '':
                message += m
                m = client.recv(1)

            fin, text = self.decodeFrame(message)

            if not fin:
                onmessage = self.args.get('onmessage')
                if callable(onmessage): onmessage(self, client, text)
                self.clients.remove((client, address))
                ondisconnect = self.args.get('ondisconnect')
                if callable(ondisconnect): ondisconnect(self, client, address)

    def decodeFrame(self, data):
        if (len(data) == 0) or (data is None):
            return True, None
        fin = not(data[0] & 1)
        if fin:
            return fin, None

        masked = not(data[1] & 1)
        plen = data[1] - (128 if masked else 0)

        mask_start = 2
        if plen == 126:
            mask_start = 4
            plen = int.from_bytes(data[2:4], byteorder='sys.byteorder')
        elif plen == 127:
            mask_start = 10
            plen = int.from_bytes(data[2:10], byteorder='sys.byteorder')

        mask = data[mask_start:mask_start+4]
        data = data[mask_start+4:mask_start+4+plen]

        decoded = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(data):
            decoded.append(data[i] ^ mask[i%4])

        text = str(bytearray(decoded), "utf-8")
        return fin, text

    def sendto(self, client, data, **kwargs):
        Send <b>data</b> to <b>client</b>. <b>data</b> can be of type <i>str</i>, <i>bytes</i>, <i>bytearray</i>, <i>int</i>.
        :param client: Client socket for data exchange.
        :param data: Data, which will be sent to the client via <i>socket</i>.
        :type client: socket
        :type data: str|bytes|bytearray|int|float
        if type(data) == bytes or type(data) == bytearray:
            frame = data
        elif type(data) == str:
            frame = bytes(data, kwargs.get('encoding', 'utf-8'))
        elif type(data) == int or type(data) == float:
            frame = bytes(str(data), kwargs.get('encoding', 'utf-8'))
            return None

        framelen = len(frame)
        head = bytes([0x81])

        if framelen < 126:
            head += bytes(int.to_bytes(framelen, 1, 'big'))
        elif 126 <= framelen < 0x10000:
            head += bytes(126)
            head += bytes(int.to_bytes(framelen, 2, 'big'))
            head += bytes(127)
            head += bytes(int.to_bytes(framelen, 8, 'big'))
        client.send(head + frame)

It works fine. I want the server to use all the processor cores for improved performance. And this code is not effective in high quantities connections. How to implement a multi-threaded solution for this case?

sorry for my bad english.

In CPython, the global interpreter lock, or GIL, is a mutex that prevents multiple native threads from executing Python bytecodes at once.

So your code won't work. You can use processeses instead of threads (not on Windows*), twisted or asyncore if you want to support more than one client at the same time.

If your choice is multiprocessing, try this:


import socket

def main():
    s = socket.socket()
    s.connect(("localhost", 5555))

    while True:
        data = raw_input("> ")

        if data == "quit":


if __name__ == "__main__":


from multiprocessing import Process
from os import getpid

import socket

def receive(conn):
    print "(%d) connected." % getpid()
    while True:
        data = conn.recv(1024)
        if data:
            if data == "quit":
                print "(%s) data" % getpid()

def main():
    s = socket.socket()
    s.bind(("localhost", 5555))

    while True:
        conn, address = s.accept()
        print "%s:%d connected." % address
        Process(target=receive, args=(conn,)).start()


if __name__ == "__main__":

*On Windows this code will throw an error when pickling the socket:

  File "C:\Python27\lib\pickle.py", line 880, in load_eof
    raise EOFError

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