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POST Request with JSON Data

So I'm trying to make a POST request using the jquery $.ajax . My problem is the data being sent is JSON. So i'm not sure exactly how to send it. I am using fiddler to record the HTTP request and this is what I got. {"code":200,"user":"34522","questions":[{"35":"139"},{"55":"215"},{"28":"110"},{"88":"349"},{"127":"500"},{"148":"578"},{"125":"492"},{"218":"859"},{"258":"1019"},{"219":"862"}],"time":60} . Under the webform of fiddler there is nothing there. 在此处输入图片说明

Here is the code I came up with and the response back is Object {code: 500, error: "Invalid request"}

var request = $.ajax({
      url: "http://website/api/post/",
      type: "POST",
      data: { 
        code : 200,
        user : 34522,
        questions : '[{"35":"139"},{"55":"215"},{"28":"110"},{"88":"349"},{"127":"500"},{"148":"578"},{"125":"492"},{"218":"859"},{"258":"1019"},{"219":"862"}]',
        time : 60
      dataType: "json"

    request.done(function( msg ) {

    request.fail(function( jqXHR, textStatus ) {
      console.log( "Request failed: " + textStatus );

Try using JSON.stringify on your post data like this:

var request = $.ajax({
  url: "http://website/api/post/",
  type: "POST",
  data: JSON.stringify({ 
    code : 200,
    user : 34522,
    questions : [{"35":"139"},{"55":"215"},{"28":"110"},{"88":"349"},{"127":"500"},{"148":"578"},{"125":"492"},{"218":"859"},{"258":"1019"},{"219":"862"}],
    time : 60
  dataType: "json"

JSON.stringify will convert the current javascript object into a JSON string for posting. Also note removing the apostrophes from around the questions array.

The dataType:json refers to the response I believe. So if the server response isn't valid json, you would see a 500 error.

Try to look at the 'network (chrome)' or 'net (firefoxl)' tab in firebug to inspect the response.

You could also try to change dataType:json to dataType:text

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