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how to change local machine/ethernet ip address

I'm trying to make a program that can change pc/laptop ip address & subnet mask. the input I'm trying to make is similar with the interface on IPv4 properties on windows(ip/subnet, dns/alternate dns).

the ones that I can think of right now is using a netsh command to change the windows ip. what i want to do is to set/get the ethernet setting on windows

thanks in advance

You can change the registry in JAVA, wich should do the trick. These should help:



Other method is to call the netsh command from JAVA:

String str1="";
String str2="";
String[] command1 = { "netsh", "interface", "ip", "set", "address",
"name=", "Local Area Connection" ,"source=static", "addr=",str1,
"mask=", str2};
Process pp = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command1);

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