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WPF Resource Dictionary using code behind file can’t be found

When I include an assembly containing a ResourceDictionary using the following pack syntax:


It works as expected, but as soon as I add a code behind file to the XAML of the ResourceDictionary, the following error is thrown: “An error occurred while finding the resource dictionary”

The code behind is added to the XAML in the usual way:

< ResourceDictionary x:Class="com.mycompany.WpfCore.ResourceDictionaries.ThemedControls"

and looks like this:

namespace com.mycompany.WpfCore.ResourceDictionaries
    public partial class ThemedControls : ResourceDictionary
        public ThemedControls ()

Intuition tells me this is a namespace problem, but all the variations I've tried fail. What am I doing wrong or is this a limitation of WPF ResourceDictionaries?

Edit :

Seems the question detail was called out and found to be wanting.

The initial example had the namespace simplified. The default namespace for the WpfCore project is com.mycompany.WpfCore which I have now added into the code examples above.

The ThemedControls.xaml and ThemedControls.xaml.cs files are located in a subfolder called ResourceDictionaries within the WpfCore project folder. The resulting assembly is used as a referenced assembly in another solution and this is where the Pack URI is being used.

Edit 2 :

After playing around with the build action for the xaml files (changing from page to resource and back again) things started working. Marking Sheridan's answer as correct.

I don't think that you have declared your ResourceDictionary quite correctly... the application name really should be in the namespace. This should work... at least it works for me:


Code behind:

namespace WpfCore.ResourceDictionaries
    public partial class ThemedControls : ResourceDictionary
        public ThemedControls()

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