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Add Admob interstitial (full screen) ads to existing app with admob banner ads only

I currently have apps with just banner ads. I would want to use interstitial ads also going forward. I was confused about the following:

  • Can i use the same admod ad unit for both
  • I'm not using mediation, will interstitial ads work ok without setting up mediation. meaning to say, will i get acceptable fill rates by just using admob for interstitial ads. Banners have worked fine so far with just admob. (no mediation)
  • If it is mandatory to create another ad unit just for interstitial ads, is it possible to auto generate these for all of my apps? I have a few hundred apps and the thought of manually going about creating one manually for each.

Any help would be really appreciated.

  1. Yes you can use the same AdUnit for both banner and mediation but doing so emans you have no way of differentiating between their revenue and eCPM.
  2. I'm getting very good fill rates with Admob interstitials (95%+). Your mileage may vary.
  3. Not mandatory to create another ad unit (as per 1). There is no way to auto generate ad units.

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