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Authentication against ADFS with WCF hosted on Windows service

I have a wcf service that queries ADFS for SAML token. This is a common snippet from web to query ADFS and get back the SAML token. However it always ends up breaking at the line return channel.Issue(rst); . Error is ID3082: The request scope is not valid or is unsupported. At least at an high level i am not able to figure out whether the error is at the ADFS server end or with the way WCF service is configured or with code. Please help.

public SecurityToken GetSamlToken()
    using (var factory = new WSTrustChannelFactory(
        new UserNameWSTrustBinding(SecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential),
        new EndpointAddress(new Uri("https://serv/adfs/services/trust/13/usernamemixed"))))
        factory.Credentials.UserName.UserName = "username";
        factory.Credentials.UserName.Password = "password";
        factory.Credentials.ServiceCertificate.Authentication.CertificateValidationMode = X509CertificateValidationMode.None;
        factory.TrustVersion = TrustVersion.WSTrust13;                
        WSTrustChannel channel = null;                
            string KeyType;
            var rst = new RequestSecurityToken
                RequestType = WSTrust13Constants.RequestTypes.Issue,
                AppliesTo = new EndpointAddress("net.tcp://localhost:xxxx/Service1/mex"),                         
                KeyType = Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.WSTrust.WSTrust13Constants.KeyTypes.Bearer,                                        

            channel = (WSTrustChannel)factory.CreateChannel();

            return channel.Issue(rst);
            if (channel != null)

The issue was with the

AppliesTo = new EndpointAddress("net.tcp://localhost:xxxx/Service1/mex")

I replaced it with a relying party uri and it issues me the token. The only issue here being the confusing error messages.

The error is likely related to the configuration of the ADFS endpoint. The following article seems to provide a good overview of ADFS web service communication along with steps to resolve some issues:


In order to obtain more information about where (and perhaps why) the error is occurring, you may want/need to configure WCF tracing/logging. The following link provides an overview:



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