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Remove dynamically loaded content with jQuery

I want to remove some div elements that are added with a wordpress loop via a get_template_part();.

The structure is something like this:

<div id="level1" class="col-0-1 noPad">

I've cut out most of the loop for readability.

The template part is structured like this:

<div class="col-OuterContainer noPad">

So in practice it looks more like this:

 <div id="level1" class="col-0-1 noPad">
    <div class="col-OuterContainer noPad">

I want to detect whether there's more than 2 divz named "col-OuterContainer", then remove the divz there after. I thought it was pretty straight forward and tried this:

var num = $('.col-OuterContainer').length;
if (num > 2) {

I currently have 3 posts at the moment so the third should have been removed, but it hasn't. I'm getting a console.log of 3 so it obviously know there are 3 elements there so why is it not removing the third element?

Update: So I've played around some more with the code.

The wp loop is still the same:

 <div id="level1" class="col-0-1 noPad">

The code inside get_template_part is this:

<div class="col-OuterContainer noPad"><div>stuff 1</div></div>

The JS is this:

console.log( $('.col-OuterContainer').length );
$('#level1 .noPad:gt(1)').remove();     

I'm getting this output:

<div id="level1" class="col-0-1 noPad">
<div class="col-OuterContainer noPad"><div>stuff 1</div></div>
<div class="col-OuterContainer noPad"><div>stuff 1</div></div>
<div class="col-OuterContainer noPad"><div>stuff 1</div></div>

Console shows 3 elements but won't remove the third element even if I target noPad or .col-OuterContainer.

Adjusted Selector

Modify the jQuery selector to:

    $('#level1 .noPad:gt(1)').remove();
    $(document).find('#level1 .noPad:qt(1)').remove();

Fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/K5Q3B/6/

Adjusted this after your previous selector was failing when more <div> s were introduced (See example Fiddle ). Alternatively, you could try what this person suggested in another SO Question :

   $('#level1 .noPad').slice(3).remove();

Removing Dynamically loaded <div> 's

       .. //Other Opts
       success: function( data ) {
          $('#somediv').html( data );
          var NodesToRemove = $(document).find('#level1 > div:gt(1)'); 
          //Or $('#somediv').find('#level1 .noPad:qt(1)').remove(); 

Prevention in PHP:

As others in the comments mentioned, it would be much better to prevent this in PHP - then you wouldn't need to consider any JavaScript for removing any of the <div> s at all,

$Counter = 0;
if ( have_posts() ) {
    while ( have_posts() ) {
       if ( $Counter <= 2 )

Furthermore you could rewrite the PHP to have an AJAX Condition,

$Counter = 0;
$isAjax = ( isset( $_GET["ajax"] ) && $_GET["ajax"] == 'true' ? true : false );
if ( have_posts() ) {
    while ( have_posts() ) {
       if ( !$isAjax || ( $isAjax && $Counter <= 2 ))
var num = $('.col-OuterContainer').length;

This will give you the number of div s with class col-OuterContainer in the whole document.

$('#level1>div:gt(1)') { ...

This selector only counts div which are direct children of the #level1 node.

Do you have .col-OuterContainer in other places on your page, or nested deeper inside your #level1 node ?

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