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ExtJs with GateIn not working

I added ExtJS (I am using ExtJs 3.2) libraries on gatein-resources.xml (I am using GateIn 3.6) with following way



But i got Ext not defined error on my firebug console when i start GateIn

Also here i am attaching the ext-base.js file processed by gatein-resources.xml file ( Here is the original ext-base.js)

But it is working fine on GateIn 3.2. On that version i used <javascript> tag for adding javascript gatein-resources.xml file. But this tag is not recommended in GateIn 3.6 so i am using the above specified tags on gatein-resources.xml

How to Reproduce This issue: - Here is the ext-base.js file which comes header tag of gateIn while starting GateIn and this ext-base.js file added via gatein-resources.xml. Here is the original ext-base.js. The difference of both of these files are on ext-base.js from gatein which contains some additional lines of codes which is follows

define('SHARED/ext-base', [], function() {
var require = eXo.require, requirejs = eXo.require,define = eXo.define;
return //Continued by original ext-base code

But if you run this code on firebug console and execute 'Ext' command the firebug return an error which is "Ext not defined" . 在此处输入图片说明 But if you run the original code then you can successfully execute the 'Ext' command successfully. 在此处输入图片说明 I repeat 'i am using GateIn as development mode'

You can directly import the javascripts between <portal>...</portal> tags using <script> tag. For that you need to arrange gatein-resource.xml like following


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