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zf2 mockery zend db adapter

Using the below as guides I am trying to get the hang of mockery:

Zend Db Adapter Adapter Mocking with mockery and Database and Models Testing

(my CommissionTable extends AbstractTableGateway and its constructor is passed the Db Adapter)

I have the following (Adapter Mocking link):

protected function getAdapterMock() {
    $driver = m::mock('Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\DriverInterface');
    $adapter = m::mock('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
    $platform = m::mock('Zend\Db\Adapter\Platform\Mysql[getName]');
    $stmt = m::mock('Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\Pdo\Statement');
    $paramContainer = m::mock('Zend\Db\Adapter\ParameterContainer');








    return $adapter;

and the actual test is:

public function testFetchAll() {
    $commission = new Commission();
    $resultSet = new ResultSet();
    $resultSet->setArrayObjectPrototype(new Commission());

    $adapter = $this->getAdapterMock();
    $commissionTable = new CommissionTable($adapter);
    $this->assertSame($resultSet, $commissionTable->fetchAll());

PHPUnit returns:

1) GWLTest\Model\CommissionTableTest::testFetchAll
Failed asserting that two variables reference the same object.

If I do Zend Debug dump of the ($resultSet) and $commissionTable->fetchAll() they are identical apart from


protected $dataSource =>
 class ArrayIterator#2573 (1) {
 private $storage =>
 array(1) {
  [0] =>
  class GWL\Model\Commission#2571 (5) {


  protected $dataSource =>
  class ArrayIterator#2666 (1) {
   private $storage =>
    array(0) {

and I haven't figured out how to correctly initialize $commissionTable's dataSource so the assertSame passes.

Please advise,

Thank you.

Didn't need the mock adapter in the end. The following works:

public function testFetchAll() {
    $resultSet = new ResultSet();

    $commissionTableMock = $this->getMock('GWL\Model\CommissionTable', array('select'), array(), '', false);
    $this->assertSame($resultSet, $commissionTableMock->fetchAll());

public function testGetCommission() {
    $commission = new Commission();
        'id' => 1,
        'description' => 'Default Commission',
        'type' => '%',
        'amount' => 45.000

    $resultSet = new ResultSet();
    $resultSet->setArrayObjectPrototype(new Commission());

    $commissionTableMock = $this->getMock('GWL\Model\CommissionTable', array('select'), array(), '', false);
            ->with(array('id' => 1))
    $this->assertSame($commission, $commissionTableMock->getCommission(1));

public function testExceptionThrownForNonExistentCommission() {
    $resultSet = new ResultSet();
    $resultSet->setArrayObjectPrototype(new Commission());

    $commissionTableMock = $this->getMock('GWL\Model\CommissionTable', array('select'), array(), '', false);
            ->with(array('id' => 1))

    try {
    } catch (\Exception $ex) {
        $this->assertSame('Could not find row 1', $ex->getMessage());
    $this->fail('Expected exception was not thrown');

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