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Cannot create JavaFX project in Eclipse Kepler

I've installed JDK 1.7.0_45. I've got my JAVA_HOME system variable pointing to installation folder. Typing java -version in comman line results in "java version "1.7.0_45" output.

I've got Eclipse Kepler with e(fx)clipse plugin. In Eclipse, in "Installed JRE-s" tag I've added the new JDK and set is as default.

I clicked New -> JavaFX Project and filled Project name. The only buttons available are "Back" and "Cancel". I don't see any errors. The only other element available is "Configure" button in "JavaFX Runtime Configuration" section. The section contains message saying: "currently there are no configured runtimes".

I'm confused. I don't have a separate JavaFX runtime, and when I go here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javafx/downloads/index.html it points me to JDK 7 I've already downloaded with explanation that "JavaFX is co-bundled with JDK 7 for Windows, Mac and Linux, it contains all the latest features and security fixes."

What am I missing? How can I create a JavaFX project in Eclipse?

I've found the solution.

I've uninstalled all plugins related to JavaFX (it turned out there were two of them) and then reinstalled e(fx)clipse from update site: http://download.eclipse.org/efxclipse/updates-nightly/site .

Everything works as expected now.

You only have to add the 'jfxrt.jar' file to the path of your project. And it works! Is not necessary another plugins, just that.

PD: It works for me on Mac OS with eclipse Kepler. In case it didn't work, install e(fx)clipse and try again.

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