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why the javascript program doesn't run

this is my program in java script i don't appear any thing when i press search but the function button-pressed() is worked perfectly lonely but when i using the code with form to take the sentence from the text it doesn't work .but when i try to print the result in many places i notice that every thing is OK else in the first for loop until now i don't know the reason please any help there is the code :

        <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

    <!-- Fig. 11.5: SearchingStrings.html -->
    <!-- String searching with indexOf and lastIndexOf. -->
    <html xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
             Searching Strings with indexOf and lastIndexOf
          <script type = "text/javascript">

             function buttonPressed() 

               // var searchForm = document.getElementById( "searchForm" );
                var inputVal = document.getElementById( "inputVal" ).value;
                var arr = inputVal.split(" ");


    for(var i = 0; i< arr.length; ++i) {
        var num = arr[i];
        counts[num] = (counts[num] ? counts[num] : 0) + 1 ;


    document.writeln("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxafter forrrrrrrr");
    document.writeln("<table border=\"4\">");
    document.writeln("<caption><h3>Search's Results: <h3/></caption>");
    for (var i in counts) {
        document.writeln("<tr><td>"+i+" :</td><td>"+counts[i]+"</td></tr>");

             } // end function buttonPressed
             // -->
    <form action = "">
             <h1>The string to search is:<br />
             <p>Enter Sentence  You want  To Find The Occurrence Of Each Word In It :
             <input id = "inputVal" type = "text"    />
             <input name = "search" type = "button" value = "Search"
                    onclick = "buttonPressed()" /><br /></p>


It looks that counts variable is undefined in your script. So declare it and then try.

JsFiddle Demo

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