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Get local variable value from annotated method in aspectJ

I am using java custom annotation with aspectJ


public @interface TrxLogger {

String author() default "Shahid Ghafoor";
String comments() default "I am Fan of JAVA";


public class Service {

private String name;

public String getName() {
    return name;

public void setName(String name) {
    this.name = name;

public String sayHello(String fn, String ln) {


     String localVariable="Before System.out.println";

    System.out.println("Welcome!" + fn + " " + ln);

    return "The Transaction return Value";



@Around(value="pcSample(tl)", argNames="tl")
public Object runMethod(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp, TrxLogger tl) throws Throwable {

 return null;

is it possible to get local variable value( String localVariable="Before System.out.println"; ) of sayHello() Method in aspect ?

No, a local variable is just that, local. You cannot dig into the method to access it. The body of a method is not accessible through reflection.

when method sayHello execute that time only lovalVariable have value. otherwise it's not known by anybody.

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