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Implementing Circular Buffer in C++ using deque

I'm trying to implement a circular buffer for an assignment. To save time, I want to use a deque inside my reorder buffer class. Here's my first attempt at writing a class that contains a deque.

#ifndef ROB_H_
#define ROB_H_

#include <deque>
#include <cstdio>

using namespace std;

class ReorderBuffer{
        ReorderBuffer (int size);
        void doStuff();

        std::deque<int> buffer;

ReorderBuffer::ReorderBuffer (int size){
    std::deque<int> buffer(size);

void ReorderBuffer::doStuff(){

    std::deque<int> buffer(4);

    printf("%d %d\n",buffer.at(0),buffer.pop_front());



In main, I make a reorder buffer with size 4 and call doStuff(). When I try to compile, it says invalid use of void expression. I have narrowed the error down to my call of buffer.pop_front(). Why is it complaining, and what is the best way to put a deque in my class? Thanks!

std::deque::pop_front returns void . You cannot print this with the result of this function. Use at() to get values and then use pop_front or pop_back to simply remove the front or back element as needed, but note that they do not return anything.


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