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How can I look up a reference to a remote actor from a different system in akka?

I have an ActorSystem running on port 2552 and another running on port 2553. Each of them create an Actor which instantiates a singleton object. I now want to create another system that manages both of these systems and can reference these actors in order to make use of the singletons simultaneously.

I know the actors are listening on the port because it gives me a log like this for each port

 Remoting started; listening on addresses :[akka.tcp://singletonApplication@]

and it when I look at the object using the debugger the actor shows up like this


I create the manager system using

 ActorSystem system = ActorSystem.create("managerSystem");

but when I try and reference the remote actors by the following line


It gives me this in the object


and when I try and send it a message it gives me a deadletter error log in the console I am not really sure what I doing wrong but it looks like the system I am trying to use to look up the remote actors is messing up my actorSelection call. Do I need to be within the same system in order to reference a remote actor? I thought this was one of the points to using akka?

You are saying that you are accessing the remote actor from a different system. But i see that you are using to address the remote system. is a special loopback address and refers to the local machine. So you need to give addressable IP to access remote machine.

For more on Loopback check this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loopback

This is also clearly stated in the documentation :


Be sure to replace the default IP with the real address the system is reachable by if you deploy onto multiple machines! "

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