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How to make select query to select data from one table and results give to another select

I want to make table in HTML. First column should be names of people and next columns should be date of lessons. I would like to make something like school attendance. When someone was in class the cell should be green when I click on it otherwise it should be white. I want to select names of users and names of lessons from database. How shoul I write good select query that can do what i want?

SCHEME OF TABLE USERS: - id (tinyint) - name (varchar) - password (varchar) md5

SCHEME OF TABLE LESSONS: - id (tinyint) - name (date)

I make an example of data that I want to get:





$( function() {
  $('td').click( function() {
} )

You should have a new table, let's say users_lessons_date with the following structure:

  • id
  • userId (int) - foreign key table_users
  • lessonId (int) - foreigg key lessons
  • dateOfLesson (datetime)

And your query, if you're using mysql and you want all date where a user was to lesson, will be:

select dateOfLesson, lessons.name as lessonName, table_users.name = userName
from users_lessons_date uld
join table_users u on ( uld.userId = u.id )
join lessons l on (uld.lessonId = l.id)

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