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Create an aspell style file editing bash script

I'm creating a command line lint tool to run on Linux.

My output currently look like this:

> Line 15 has inconsistent indenting
> Line 16 has inconsistent indenting
> Line 0 has a curly brace on the end
> Line 0 has a curly brace on the end
> Line 18 has inconsistent indenting
> Line 29 has inconsistent indenting
> Line 9 has inconsistent indenting
> Line 11 has inconsistent indenting
> Line 0 has a curly brace on the end

By piping the output into awk '/.\\/ex/{print;}' I can extract just the file names:


I would like to open each of these file in turn and edit them, maybe giving a message to the user with the errors in each file as I open them. Similar to what aspell does.

Is this possible?

With and :

Demo :




trap '\rm -f /tmp/out_file' 0 1 2 3 15

if dialog \
    --clear \
    --title "Pick up one of these files" \
    --menu "Files/errors" 80 300 100 $(
        awk '/>/{
            gsub(/ +/, "_", $0)
            arr[k]=arr[k] $0
        END{for (a in arr) printf "%s ", a " " arr[a]}
    ' "$file") 2>/tmp/out_file
    $EDITOR "$(</tmp/out_file)"

You could try the following bash script:

files=$(awk '/.\/ex/{print;}' input.txt)
for file in $files ; do
    echo "File: "$file
    echo "Errors:"
    awk -vfile=$file -f getErr.awk input.txt
    #open file in editor

where input.txt is the output from your lint command, and getErr.awk is

$0 ~ file {f=1; next}
f && /^> Line/ {print;next}

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