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Printf erases the screen (using the MoSync library)

I have some simple code that looks like this:

printf("Press zero or back to exit\n");

This runs, but when it's like this:

printf("Press zero or back to exit\n");

printf erases the screen.

Why is this? Is this a normal property of printf() ? Is there a different print function I should use to print on top of everything, instead of erasing everything? I know I can use MoSync's MaDrawText() instead, but I was wondering if there was a print function that would also work.

This is expected behavior, printf() will display text in a seperate screen. The alternative is maDrawText(int left, int top, const char* str); which will allow you to draw the text in the paint area.

Your code could look like:

//Draw the Rectangle

//Draw the text
maDrawText(10,10,"Press zero or back to exit");

//Update the screen to reflect changes

Your first example works because you are calling the function before you update the screen and hence printf() will not draw on top of your current drawing.

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