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CodeIgniter error, result_array and foreach error

Below are my codes and errors that come up with my CodeIgniter. My error is Fatal error: Call to a member function result_array() on a non-object in C:\\wamp\\www\\CodeIgniter\\application\\models\\news_model.php on line 15 I found a way around that but then I get an error that something is wrong in my foreach statement in my index.php file line 1 Anyone have any idea where the error maybe?

news_model.php (model)

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class News_model extends CI_Model

public function __construct()

public function get_news($slug = FALSE)
    if ($slug === FALSE)
        $query = $this->db->get('news');
        return $query->result_array();

    $query = $this->db->get_where('news', array('slug' => $slug));
    return $query->row_array();

public function set_news()

    $slug = url_title($this->input->post('title'), 'dash', TRUE);

    $data = array(
        'title' => $this->input->post('title'),
        'slug' => $slug,
        'text' => $this->input->post('text')

    return $this->db->insert('news', $data);

public function delete_news($id) 
    $this->db->delete('news', array('id' => $id));

news.php (controller)

class News extends CI_Controller {

public function __construct()

public function index()
    $data['news'] = $this->news_model->get_news();
    $data['title'] = 'News archive';

    $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
    $this->load->view('news/index', $data);

public function view($slug)
    $data['news_item'] = $this->news_model->get_news($slug);

    if (empty($data['news_item']))

    $data['title'] = $data['news_item']['title'];

    $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
    $this->load->view('news/view', $data);

public function create()

    $data['title'] = 'Create a news item';

    $this->form_validation->set_rules('title', 'Title', 'required');
    $this->form_validation->set_rules('text', 'text', 'required');

    if ($this->form_validation->run() === FALSE)
        $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);


index.php (view)

<?php foreach ($news as $news_item): ?>

<h2><?php echo $news_item['title'] ?></h2>
<div id="main">
    <?php echo $news_item['text'] ?>
<p><a href="news/<?php echo $news_item['slug'] ?>">View article</a></p>

<a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>news/delete/<?php echo $news_item['id'] ?>">Delete article</a>

<?php endforeach ?>

Try returning $query->result() rather than $query->result_array() and check if it is working.
Also you will need to change in your foreach loop while displaying results.

in your view you looping, $news variable as a result_array ,

but in your model for : function get_news($slug = FALSE) ,

if $slug !== FALSE your return row_array

I suggest you to return result_array() , so your view-code does not confuse.

public function get_news($slug = FALSE)
    if ($slug === FALSE)
        $query = $this->db->get('news');
        return $query->result_array(); //return result_array()

    $query = $this->db->get_where('news', array('slug' => $slug));
    return $query->result_array(); //return result_array()

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