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Validate Eventlog Write Permission

How can I validate Event Log Writing Permissions without using an try catch? I've read the following question: Checking Event Log writing Permissions without writing an entry , but the Answer suggests using the EventLogPermissionAttribute . As far as I know I can't use this to validate permission, it just throws an Exception when it doesn't have the requested permission.

My code now looks something like this:

public void WriteMessage(string message)
    try {
        var trace = new TraceSource("MySource");
        trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 1000, message);
    } catch() {
        var log = LogManager.GetLogger<MyClass>();

But I would like something like this:

public void WriteMessage(string message)
        var trace = new TraceSource("MySource");
        trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 1000, message);
    } else {
        var log = LogManager.GetLogger<MyClass>();

Ofcourse at the end it doesn't make much difference but using a try catch for logic just feels dirty.

    [DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    public static extern int RegOpenKeyEx(
      UIntPtr hKey,
      string subKey,
      int ulOptions,
      int samDesired,
      out UIntPtr hkResult);

    public static UIntPtr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = new UIntPtr(0x80000002u);
    public static int KEY_WRITE = 0x20006;

    /// <summary>
    /// This method checks write permissions to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog which is necessary to create event log source
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>True if permission to create Event log source is granted, false if not</returns>
    public bool HasCurrentUserEventLogWritePermissions()
        UIntPtr x;
        long err = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, @"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog", 0, KEY_WRITE, out x);
        return err == 0;

OK. I Give up and this just to tell you the failed attempts. I searched a little, reflected a little more and the answer is disappointing: you can't do this the way you like.

I tried to find a way for checking EventLogPermission (Security permissions in general) without getting exception: FAILED.

Tried opening the RegKey without getting an exception: FAILED.

There are in fact unmanaged APIs out there that may be useful, but I think if your application lacks even EventLogPermission who would give it SecurityUnmngdCodeAccess ?

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