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Multiple cron jobs not working

I am new to cron jobs.

The first cron job is running, but the second is not running.

   /usr/bin/php -q /home/domain/public_html/cronjob_posting.php

   /usr/bin/php -q /home/domain/public_html/cronjob_deletepost.php

Please help me.

You can combine multiple jobs by adding them to cron in the following way:

1) personally I prefer editing in gedit

sudo gedit ~/.profile

2) Add or edit these 2 lines

export VISUAL="gedit"
export EDITOR="gedit"

3) logout and login

4) Then in terminal:

crontab -e

5) Add these lines:

0 0 * * * /home/domain/public_html/cronjob_posting.php
0 0 * * * /home/domain/public_html/cronjob_deletepost.php

[Every day at 0:00 AM the server will run these scripts]

6) Then check if everything is there:

crontab -l

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