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string Date Format, C# ASP.NET MVC4

I'm completely new to C# Asp.Net, and having trouble formatting the following string:

string defTo = string.Format (@"{0:yyyy\/MM\/dd}" , DateTime.Now);

It prints as: YYYYMMDD

I would like it to print as: YYYY/MM/DD <- Notice the forward slashes.

Can someone point out how I could achieve this?


string defTo =DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")


string defTo = string.Format("{0:yyyy/MM/dd}", DateTime.Now);



You were close:

string defTo = string.Format("{0:dd\\/MM\\/yyyy}", DateTime.Now);

EDIT: This should work too:


您不需要为“ /”使用转义字符,只需将其删除:

string defTo = string.Format ( @"{0:yyyy/MM/dd}" , DateTime.Now );

You don't need the forward slashes since you declared it a literal string @"..." .

Anything inside the quotes are "as-is" except for other quote characters. To escape them you should double them:

var str1 = @"this is a ""double quote"" in a literal string";

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