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google chrome extension http request monitoring for tab

I am working on google chrome extension application. I want, as soon as user's http request on browser's tab finished it give some alert. Means as browser finishes its request app could be able to listen it.

Right now i am using below code. It reads tab url after request finished.

chrome.webRequest.onCompleted.addListener(function() {
    var mydiv = document.createElement('div');  
        chrome.tabs.getSelected(null,function(tab) {
        mydiv.innerHTML = tab.url;      

But it's not working for me. Any help?

You are probably running the code from your background page (or else the chrome.webRequest API won't be available. From there (background page) it is not possible to interact with a webpages DOM.

You can achieve what you want like this:

Solution A

  1. Have a content script injected into the webpage at "document_end" or "document_idle" .

  2. The content script (once injected) will create your div and add it to the DOM.

Solution B

  1. Have your background page listen for page load. BTW, chrome.tabs.onUpdated might be better suited for the task. Eg:

    \nchrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(tabId, info, tab) {   \n    if (info.status && (info.status == "complete")) { \n        // The page is loaded, so inject a content script \n    } \n}); \n
  2. Upon page load programmatically inject a content script.

  3. The content script (once injected) will create your div and add it to the DOM.

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