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Shell script can't be run in cygwin

I have a script as below:

# /brickos/util/f.sh
set folder=`pwd`
cd /brickos/boot
firmdl3 -f brickOS.srec
cd $folder

when I run it in cygwin(minty.exe), I got error as below, but when I run them in terminal directly, no any errors! what can I do?

$ f.sh
/cygdrive/c/cygwin/brickos/util/f.sh: line 2: cd: /brickos/boot
: No such file or directory
/cygdrive/c/cygwin/brickos/util/f.sh: line 3: $'make\r': command not found
firmdl3: ERROR- failed to open brickOS.srec
/cygdrive/c/cygwin/brickos/util/f.sh: line 5: cd: 
: No such file or directory
$'make\r': command not found

suggests the script is saved with Windows (CRLF) instead of Unix style (just LF) line endings. Try converting it to Unix format and see if that improves matters.

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