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How to use single drawable for all screen resolutions in Android programming?

Android programming in eclipse, java, xml etc. I put all the drawables (images, xml files etc) in all the folders: mdpi, hdpi etc. So I have 4 copies of each file.

Is this absolutely necessary ?

Is there a way I can put them in a single "drawable" folder ?

Or will android understand that if the file does not exist in hdpi, it should fetch it from mdpi, or wherever the file exists ?

Yes, it will fetch the appropriate file if that particular image is not available in other folder. But it need to atlest in one folder(drawable OR mdpi OR hdpi OR ldpi ...)

Yes you can put all the images in single drawable folder.But in this case if you have a low resolution image this will be look as faded image in the case of tabs

so if you want your application support in all devices, Tabs then you have to put images in different drawable folder like as drawable-ldpi, drawable-mdpi, drawable-hdpi, drawable-xhdpi, drawable-xxhdpi


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