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how to clear a certain content in a rich text box

i have a rich text box that displays items.These items have column names.The column names are loaded when the form loads.They hold values as rows.These rows are appended at a click of a button (when add button is clicked).

At the bottom,let me say i have another field(total amount) in the rtb which displays total value of a Amount column.This is also displayed when calculate button is clicked.

If someone wants to add another row to be calculated it would create the format displayed.so i wanted to clear the total amount field when another item gets added.Is there a way to do that.


Richtextbox1.text = mid(Richtextbox1.text,1,len(richtextbox1.text)-x) & NewTotal

Where x is the length of the previous total and NewTotal is the new total string.

Edit (see comments):

Use this code to solve your issue:

dim numberofcolumns as integer = listview1.ColumnHeaders.Count

dim str(numberofcolumns-1) as string

 str(numberofcolumns-2) = "TotalAmount"

 str(numberofcolumns-1) = totalammountvariable

Dim itm As ListViewItem

 itm = New ListViewItem(str)


First Clear All Data and Rebind


Using this Command clear all data in Richtextbox and rebind you data

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