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assertThat - hamcrest - check if list is sorted

Ok I think its going to be a short question. I have an ArrayList that I sorted by date, of course I see it works but I would also like to write a test for it.

I want to check if next value (date) in my list is lower then previous one. I am able to do that with using some for s and adding temp list, but I'm wondering if there's a easier solution. I read in hamrest documentation that there's somethink like contains (hamrest contains) that iterate through an object (list,map etc) but still I have no idea what to do next.

[First Option] : you can write your own Matcher. Something like (disclaimer: this is just a sample code, it is not tested and may be not perfect):

  public void theArrayIsInDescendingOrder() throws Exception
    List<Integer> orderedList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    assertThat(orderedList, isInDescendingOrdering());

  private Matcher<? super List<Integer>> isInDescendingOrdering()
    return new TypeSafeMatcher<List<Integer>>()
      public void describeTo (Description description)
        description.appendText("describe the error has you like more");

      protected boolean matchesSafely (List<Integer> item)
        for(int i = 0 ; i < item.size() -1; i++) {
          if(item.get(i) <= item.get(i+1)) return false;
        return true;

This example is with Integer s but you can do it with Date s easily.

[Second option] , based on the reference to contains in the OP's question: you can create a second list, ordering the original one, than using assertThat(origin, contains(ordered)) . This way the eventual error is more precisely described since, if an element is not in the expected order, it will be pointed out. For example, this code

  public void testName() throws Exception
    List<Integer> actual = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    List<Integer> expected = new ArrayList<Integer>(actual);
    assertThat(actual, contains(expected.toArray()));

will generate the description

Expected: iterable containing [<1>, <3>, <5>]
     but: item 1: was <5>
    at org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat(MatcherAssert.java:20)
    at org.junit.Assert.assertThat(Assert.java:865)
    at org.junit.Assert.assertThat(Assert.java:832)

There's an open request for such a matcher , but unfortunately it isn't implemented yet.

I'd go for something much simpler - copy the list, sort it, and compare to the original:

public void testListOrder() {
    ArrayList<SomeObject> original = ...;
    ArrayList<SomeObject> sorted = new ArrayList<SomeObject>(original);
    Assert.assertEquals ("List is not sorted", sorted, original);

@dsncode has a good point in the comments - while (relatively) elegant, this solution is not designed with any performance consideration. If the list isn't too large it should be OK, but if the list is large, sorting it may be costly. If the list is large, it may be a good idea to iterate over it directly, and fail the test if you encounter an element that is smaller than the previous one. Eg:

assertTrue(() -> {
    Iterator<SomeClass> iter = list.iterator();

    SomeClass prev = null;
    if (iter.hasNext()) {
        prev = iter.next();

    SomeClass curr = null;
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        curr = iter.next();
        if (curr.compareTo(prev) < 0) {
            return false;
        prev = curr;

    return true;

Also it's possible to check it using GUAVA:

import com.google.common.collect.Ordering;



More information here: How to determine if a List is sorted in Java?

For small collections I suggest to provide expected collection hardcoded in code. This is unit test and should not contains any logic. After that you can compare two collections. ( use hamcrest to check equivalent)

I had a similar problem, I just check if the next date value in milliseconds is bigger/smaller then the previous one in that list.

 * Test sort by date
public void findAllMessagesSortByDate() {
    Collection<Message> messages = messageService.getAllMessagesSortedByDate();
    long previousTime = messages.iterator().next().getDate().getTimeInMillis();
    for (Message message : messages) {
        assertTrue(message.getDate.getTimeInMillis() <= previousTime);
        previousTime = message.getMessageFolderTs().getTimeInMillis();

You can use hamcrest-more-matchers (available on Maven Central ). It has two utility methods to validate sorted collections: softOrdered (allow equal sequential items) and strictOrdered (does not allow equal items). Usage example:

import com.github.seregamorph.hamcrest.OrderMatchers.*;

public void softOrderedEqualShouldSuccess() {
    // success
    assertThat(Arrays.asList(1, 1, 2), softOrdered());
    // fails with diagnostics
    // java.lang.AssertionError: 
    // Expected: Strictly ordered by natural comparator
    //     but: Found equal elements 1 and 1
    assertThat(Arrays.asList(1, 1, 2), strictOrdered());

Or it can be nested:

public void nestedCollectionShouldMatchOrderedItem() {
    List<Iterable<Integer>> nested = Arrays.asList(
            Arrays.asList(3, 2, 1),
            Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)

    // success
    assertThat(nested, hasItem(strictOrdered()));
    // fails with diagnostics
    // java.lang.AssertionError:
    // Expected: every item is Softly ordered by natural comparator
    //     but: an item Found unordered elements 3 and 2
    assertThat(nested, everyItem(softOrdered()));

By default natural comparator is used, but also it can be custom:

import static java.util.Comparator.comparing;

public void stringsShouldMatchOrderByLength() {
    List<String> list = Arrays.asList("abc", "ab", "a");

    assertThat(list, strictOrdered(comparing(String::length).reversed()));

You can check my answer in another topic, but approach stays same - you should check if items are in expected order.

How to check if collection contains items in given order using Hamcrest

This approach expects 'Hamcrest' library to be used.

Hope this helps.

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