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How to update an image on a Canvas?

This is the essence of the code I'm having trouble with:

camelot = Canvas(main, width = 400, height = 300)
camelot.grid(row = 0, column = 0, rowspan = 11, columnspan = 3)
MyImage = PhotoImage(file = "sample1.gif")
camelot.create_image(0, 0, anchor = NW, image = MyImage)

This is run at the beginning. What I want to do on later in another function is replace "sample1.gif" by "sample2.gif" , and, possibly later on, replace that in turn by "sample3.gif" . I'm stuck and nothing I've been trying has worked so far.

Add image to canvas:

self.image_on_canvas = self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, image = ...)

Change image:

self.canvas.itemconfig(self.image_on_canvas, image = ...)

Full example:

from Tkinter import *


class MainWindow():


    def __init__(self, main):

        # canvas for image
        self.canvas = Canvas(main, width=60, height=60)
        self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=0)

        # images
        self.my_images = []
        self.my_images.append(PhotoImage(file = "ball1.gif"))
        self.my_images.append(PhotoImage(file = "ball2.gif"))
        self.my_images.append(PhotoImage(file = "ball3.gif"))
        self.my_image_number = 0

        # set first image on canvas
        self.image_on_canvas = self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor = NW, image = self.my_images[self.my_image_number])

        # button to change image
        self.button = Button(main, text="Change", command=self.onButton)
        self.button.grid(row=1, column=0)


    def onButton(self):

        # next image
        self.my_image_number += 1

        # return to first image
        if self.my_image_number == len(self.my_images):
            self.my_image_number = 0

        # change image
        self.canvas.itemconfig(self.image_on_canvas, image = self.my_images[self.my_image_number])


root = Tk()

Images used in example:

ball1.gif ball1.gif ball2.gif ball2.gif ball3.gif ball3.gif



    MyImage = PhotoImage(file = "sample1.gif")
    labelorbuttontodisplayit.image = MyImage

:P that should do it. I only tried to use that code on label or buttons, never as a Canvas, but i guess you can adapt that piece of code a bit.

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