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How do you calculate the probability of getting 1 new customer out of X using Excel?

How do you calculate the probability of getting 1 new customer out of X. I am expecting to come up with 2,3,4...10. I have tried using the probability function, but it doesn't seem to like what I am using for parameters.


The correct syntax is:


  • Number_s The number of successes in trials.
  • Trials The number of independent trials.
  • Probability_s The probability of success on each trial.
  • Cumulative A logical value that determines the form of the function. If cumulative is TRUE, then BINOM.DIST returns the cumulative distribution function, which is the probability that there are at most number_s successes; if FALSE, it returns the probability mass function, which is the probability that there are number_s successes.


It returns a probability (0< X<1), so a value between 0 and 1. Note that "Probability of success in each trial" is asking what the chances are of getting a new customer EACH time you call (one trial). By entering 1/500, it appears you are assuming a probability of 0.002 for each trial. The resulting answer of 0.736 indicates you have a 73.6% chance of getting 1 new client for each 500 calls, or "trials".

Do you have a number you can enter based on your past experience calling leads?

I don't know in what sense this "doesn't work". Excel is returning exactly what you asked for: the cumulative probability of 1 success out of 500 trials where the probability of success is 1/500 in each independent trial.

Instead of looking at the cumulative distribution, though, consider each possible number of successes separately:


If the probability of getting a customer is 1/500, then if you ask 500 people, there is a 36.8% chance that you will get zero customers. There is also a 36.8% chance that you'll get one new customer, for a cumulative probability of 73.6%. There is a 99.6% chance that you will get 4 or fewer new customers from 500 tries.

To be clear, the formula for the "Prob" column is


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