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How Decorator Pattern Follows Composition

I read in HeadFirst DesginPattern book that decorator pattern uses composition relation to provide additional functionality to an object dynamically. But in the following code I found the aggregation relation instead of composition.

As far I know the difference between the composition and aggregation is:

Aggregation : Life or existence of the aggregated objects are independent of each other, But one object is playing the role of Owner of the other object.

Composition : Life or existence of the composite object is dependent on the existence of container object, Existence of composite object is not meaningful without its container object.

public abstract class Girl {

    String description = "no particular";

    public String getDescription(){
        return description;

public class AmericanGirl extends Girl {

    public AmericanGirl(){
        description = "+American";

public class EuropeanGirl extends Girl {

    public EuropeanGirl() {
        description = "+European";

public abstract class GirlDecorator extends Girl {

    public abstract String getDescription();

public class Science extends GirlDecorator {

    private Girl girl;

    public Science(Girl g) {
        girl = g;

    public String getDescription() {
        return girl.getDescription() + "+Like Science";

    public void caltulateStuff() {
        System.out.println("scientific calculation!");

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Girl g1 = new AmericanGirl();
        Science g2 = new Science(g1);

Can someone point out/explain how the above code follows composition?

The similarities between aggregation and composition make them often used as synonyms. IMO if you don't have a reason to make the distinction, it isn't worth the time debating on which it actually is. If you do have a reason, you probably already know which it falls under.

They are close enough in concepts that they are how you treat them. If you use the relationship as a single unit then it is a composition . If you interact with them independently of one another then it is an aggregation .

The major detail is in why it matters. The main need for a distinction between the two that I can think of is garbage collection. In an aggregation properties of the container may still be meaningful outside of their container context. In a composition properties of the container should be destroyed with the container.

When one observes the value of existence of an object inverse to the definition, I believe it can be expressed as both. In some circumstances you may wish to destroy only the container and retain the contents ( aggregation ). However, without it's delegate it is meaningless. This defines somewhat of an inverse composition . You would never want to destroy the child and retain the decorator.

Although Science is in fact a concrete Girl , the implementation of Science.getDescription overrides the base implementation to delegate the request to a concrete Girl . This implementation detail makes the Science girl meaningless without being initialized with a valid Girl implementation.

If the existence by itself is meaningless, then it usually isn't an aggregation and is probably instead a composition .

As an aside, decorators are more clearly expressed by implementing an interface rather than inheriting a base class. Adhering to the single responsibility principal you can then be certain that the decorator is not an implementation of the subject.

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