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How to search for multiple values in a single field of mysql table using codeigniter active record?

I have to search for multiple values in a field using mysql in codeigniter. Here follows my code.

In Controller

public function vpsearch()
  $data['info'] = $this->psearch_m->emp_search_form();



IN Model

public function emp_search_form()
  $skill = $this->security->xss_clean($this->input->post('ps_skills'));
  $jrole = $this->input->post('ps_jobrole'));

  if ( $jrole !== NULL) 
    return $this->db->get('js_edu_details');

In view ie, (../employer/result)

foreach($info->result() as $row)
  echo $row->js_id."<br/><br/>" ;

However I am getting all the records in 'js_edu_details' table instead of fields having searched 'skills'.

Where I am going wrong? Any help wud b appreciated, thanx in advance.


public function emp_search_form()
    $skill = $this->security->xss_clean($this->input->post('ps_skills'));
    //$skill = $this->input->post('ps_skills', true);  other short way of getting the above result with `xss clean`
    if ( $jrole !== NULL) 
        $this->db->like('js_skills',$skill); #remove the single quote around the `$skill`
        $res = $this->db->get('js_edu_details');
        echo $this->db->last_query(); #try to print the query generated
        return $res;

Return statement should be after the like statement

You should arrange the code properly like this

public function emp_search_form()
    $ps_skills  =   $this->input->post('ps_skills')
    $skill      = $this->security->xss_clean($ps_skills);

    if ( $jrole !== NULL) 
        return $this->db->get('js_edu_details');

Also you should note the condition will never meet. It will always give error undefined variable $jrole

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