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How to set an property of a specific object in an array? mongodb

I have a mongodb document, for a project object:

  members: [
    { _id: ObjectId(1), 
      active: true },
    { _id: ObjectId(2),
      active: false }

I'd like to change project.members[1].active = true , while only knowing ObjectId(2) during the initial query. Is there a way to do this without using findOne and manually looping over the members array and checking for equivalence of the ObjectId?

This works. The stuff after this section may work in the future.

Using http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/operator/update/positional/ , I figured it out.

  {                                                          // Query
    "_id": ObjectId(id),
    "members._id": ObjectId(user_id) 
  [[]],                                                      // Ordering
  {                                                          // Update parameters
    $set: { "members.$.active": true }
  {new: true},                                               // Options
  function(err, project) {
    // do stuff

Since the $ positional operator selects the first query match, it'll $set the active property for only that object in the array.

UPDATE: The following won't work... yet. $pull and $push cannot be used simultaneously currently, but is under consideration .

"err": "Field name duplication not allowed with modifiers"

I think I can use a $pull and a $push to achieve what I need.

  {                                                          // Query
    "_id": ObjectId(id),
    "members": { $elemMatch: { _id: ObjectId(user_id) } } },
  [[]],                                                      // Ordering
  {                                                          // Update parameters
    $pull: { "members": { $elemMatch: { _id: ObjectId(user_id) } } }, 
    $push: { "members": ObjectId(user_id), active: true }
  {new: true},                                               // Options
  function(err, project) {
    // do stuff

The "members" line of the query is optional - adding this line will restrict the update so that only users already in the members array can get changed. If it is removed, then running this will overwrite or create a new member.

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