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Restrict direct access to .php files through browser and allow only index.php to access them

I have a script on my website allowing users to edit/create their account. I want to restrict direct access to the files through browser (ex.www.mydomain.com/cp/page/login.php or www.mydomain.com/cp/home.php) and allow only index.php to access these files. I tried with .htaccess but index.php cant access them. Also i can't move them out of public_html folder. Its not include folder. How i can achive that? Please let me now if you need something else.

One way of doing that is by using include or require calls from PHP:

include '/path/to/script.php';

include is handled by PHP on server side hence Apache blocks will not impact this.

Then you can keep your existing <Files> directives to block access to .php file:

<Files *.php>
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Allow from

<Files index.php>
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all

One common way in PHP is to define something in index.php and check for it in the others:

define('INDEX', true);

if(isset($_GET['page'])) {
    if($_GET['page'] == 'home') {

if(!defined('INDEX') { die(); }
//more code

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