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Nested IF statement

The following is something I have tried after some research on nested IF's however it only gives expected results for the first part of the statement and not the remainder, can anyone explain why or do I need a different type of function?


Thanks for your assistance.

You have one if


and later on you have


The last condition will never be "satisfied", for if it is actually true, it will not be tested for, as the first if(g17>=500 will be True .

I do not know what are the "expected results", "the first part of the statement", or "the remainder", but hopefully this helps.


=IFERROR( INDEX({"basic","Standard","Standard+","Platinum"},MATCH(H4,{"basic","Standard","Standard+","Platinum"},0)),IF(G17>850,"Platinum",IF(G17>750,"Standard+",IF(G17>500,"Standard","Basic"))))



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