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MySQL or Tomcat log query

I am having trouble with a particular query, it runs perfectly well in SQLYog but not in my JSP page. I get no results in my JSP page and I also get no errors either, but again if I run the same query direct on the database I get the expected results.

I would like to be able to see what query is trying to be sent to the MySQL server, then hopefully I can figure what maybe going astray. Can this be done?

I am using MySQL Server 5.5 for Windows 64bit, Tomcat 7 for Windows 64bit and my connection class is as follows:

public static Connection getConnection()
    settings settings1 = new settings();
    Connection connection = null;
        connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://" + dbHost + "/" + settings1.db + "?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8", settings1.dbUsername, settings1.dbPassword);
    catch(Exception exception)
    return connection;

Any help to enable logging would be much appreciated :-)

The query is as follows:

SELECT product.ID, product.partCodePS, product.partCodeManufacturer, product.pName, product.priceCost, product.priceSell, product.reorderLevel, product.location, brand.leadTime, SUM(order_product.unitPrice)
FROM product
INNER JOIN order_product ON (product.ID = order_product.productID)
INNER JOIN brand ON (product.brandID = brand.ID)
INNER JOIN order ON (order_product.orderID = order.ID)
WHERE (product.isWebsite =1 AND order.o_statusID IN (1,2,3,4,5,11,12,14,15))
GROUP BY order_product.unitPrice

您可以使用General Query Logging MySQL选项查看对MySQL服务器的所有查询。

Are you sure your query in jsp page is executed? can you put the code of your jsp page?

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