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Eclipse SDK Manager Not Showing up

I'm using Windows-7 64 bit and I have installed this(jdk-7u45-windows-x64) updated JDK in my system. My SDK was updated upto API level 18(Android 4.3).

When i click on SDK manager in the eclipse, it does not start. I tried open it directly with Administrator permission also. But it does not start. I had tried to set the variable path like these. 在此处输入图片说明在此处输入图片说明 But I'm always getting the same error like this.在此处输入图片说明

After I found that in my find_java.exe get the java path from windows\\system32 as shown below在此处输入图片说明.

How can I set the Java path to my installed java folder.

Need some one help to figure it out. For Reference look at this link also. SDK manager not starting

While setting the environment variable try JAVA_HOME variable pointing the bin directory.

because the android checks the java.exe in particular path.

I am new to android,As long as i studied ,Android requires Java 1.5 or 1.6. You are using 1.7 Google does not add complete jdk 1.7 support to android system requirement(some api are exception) .. It does not mean that you should not have jdk 1.7. you should also have 1.6 jdk for compiler compilance. it is a better way to avoid using 1.7 jdk ,if u dont want jdk 1.7 features. http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html see the system requirements and even if u developed using 1.7...when you installing your app in real device .we may face signing issue. you may use some jar file which targetting java 1.7. but android system runtime(dalvik jvm) does not know how to process those files which means dex tool wont process those files which belongs to 1.7 and it wont create classes.dex file..hope it will help somehow

From the error you have posted it seems the problem is only with the path settings.

Add the path upto the bin folder of your jdk - C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_45\\bin and restart the eclipse.

请验证您在 Window->Preferences->Android 中的 SDK Location 是否指向正确的 SDK 路径。

Download latest android bundle from http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html .

and replace new sdk folder with old sdk folder from android bundle folder.

now it's may work.

Finally Reinstalled my OS and Installed JDK 1.6. Then I have added my updated SDK to my ADT. It works fine now.

I've had the same issue, and this solved it

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