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Is Twitter Typeahead.js library limited to 6 datasets?

I am using Typeahed.js library from Twitter to search multiple datasets in my database from a single input box.

I am currently using 6 data-sets (see the code below) and I want to add 1 more. I found it not working for the 7th datasets ( products dataset from below code). When typing search query into input box it would only sent GET AJAX requests for first six datasets and would ignore the 7th one?


The library docs are pour and I haven't seen it mention any kind of limit on number of datasets you can use...

        name: 'orders',
        remote: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_orders.json?q=%QUERY",
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'orders/view/{{order_id}}">{{value}} - Reference no.: {{reference_number}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-shopping-cart"></i> Orders</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
        name: 'invoices',
        remote: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_invoices.json?q=%QUERY",
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'invoices/view/{{invoice_id}}">{{invoice_number}} - {{company}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-file"></i> Invoices</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
        name: 'services',
        remote: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_services.json?q=%QUERY%",
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'services/view/{{rma_id}}">{{value}} - {{firstname}} {{lastname}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-wrench"></i> RMA services</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
        name: 'serials',
        remote: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_serials.json?q=%QUERY%",
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'serials/view/{{serial_id}}">{{value}} - {{product}} {{module_name}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-barcode"></i> Serials</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
        name: 'users',
        remote: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_users.json?q=%QUERY%",
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'users?f=1&filter_id={{user_id}}">{{firstname}} {{lastname}} - {{email}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-user"></i> Users</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
        name: 'licenses',
        remote: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_licenses.json?q=%QUERY%",
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'licenses?f=1&filter_id={{license_id}}">{{key}} - {{version}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-lock"></i> Licenses</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
        name: 'products',
        remote: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_products.json?q=%QUERY%",
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'products?f=1&filter_id={{product_id}}">{{code}} - {{name}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-briefcase"></i> Products</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
]).on('typeahead:selected', function($e, data) {
    window.location = data.url;

Ok I figured it out. It is not limited, but default max parallel request is 6. From the typeahead.js docs:

maxParallelRequests – The max number of parallel requests typeahead.js can have pending. Defaults to 6.

So I have increased this and it works. Here is the final corrected code:

        name: 'orders',
        remote: {
            url: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_orders.json?q=%QUERY",
            maxParallelRequests: 8,
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'orders/view/{{order_id}}">{{value}} - Reference no.: {{reference_number}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-shopping-cart"></i> Orders</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
        name: 'invoices',
        remote: {
            url: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_invoices.json?q=%QUERY",
            maxParallelRequests: 8,
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'invoices/view/{{invoice_id}}">{{invoice_number}} - {{company}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-file"></i> Invoices</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
        name: 'services',
        remote: {
            url: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_services.json?q=%QUERY%",
            maxParallelRequests: 8,
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'services/view/{{rma_id}}">{{value}} - {{firstname}} {{lastname}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-wrench"></i> RMA services</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
        name: 'serials',
        remote: {
            url: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_serials.json?q=%QUERY%",
            maxParallelRequests: 8,
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'serials/view/{{serial_id}}">{{value}} - {{product}} {{module_name}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-barcode"></i> Serials</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
        name: 'users',
        remote: {
            url: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_users.json?q=%QUERY%",
            maxParallelRequests: 8,
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'users?f=1&filter_id={{user_id}}">{{firstname}} {{lastname}} - {{email}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-user"></i> Users</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
        name: 'licenses',
        remote: {
            url: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_licenses.json?q=%QUERY%",
            maxParallelRequests: 8,
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'licenses?f=1&filter_id={{license_id}}">{{key}} - {{version}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-lock"></i> Licenses</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
        name: 'products',
        remote: {
            url: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_products.json?q=%QUERY%",
            maxParallelRequests: 8,
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'products?f=1&filter_id={{product_id}}">{{code}} - {{name}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-briefcase"></i> Products</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
        name: 'tasks',
        remote: {
            url: base_url+"utilities/ajaxprocess/typeahead_tasks.json?q=%QUERY%",
            maxParallelRequests: 8,
        template: '<a href="'+base_url+'tasks?f=1&filter_id={{task_id}}">#{{task_id}} - {{description}}</a>',
        header: '<h5 class="search-result-header"><i class="icon-briefcase"></i> Tasks</h5>',
        engine: Hogan,
        limit: 6
]).on('typeahead:selected', function($e, data) {
    window.location = data.url;

I haven't heard of such a limit, I wonder if there is a maximum amount of returned results that might be being satisfied by the first 6?

A quick test would be to essentially force a couple of your remote queries to always return nothing.

If your seventh search starts getting hit than that could explain it.


Open Twitter typeahead.js file.

Search for : "maxPendingRequests = 6"

Instead of 6 Just put whatever value you want.

Now i can see more than 6 requests run parallel.

It works fine for me.

Don't go for 'maxParallelRequests' property it doesn't work at all...

I am sure its the final solution.....

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